Here for the vibes...

Here for the vibes...


Jenna Kutcher New York Times Best Selling Author of How Are You, Really?

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🎙️ APPLE | SPOTIFY | YOUTUBE 📺 Ever find yourself instinctively answering, “Fine, thanks…” to the age-old question: How are you? Today’s guest on The Brand Vibe podcast is the one and only Jenna Kutcher of #1 marketing podcast, Goal Digger Podcast! Her new book, “How Are You, Really?” adds an honest perspective on living […]

Nieves boy gets pinned down by off-duty Chicago Police Sergeant

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🎙️ APPLE | SPOTIFY | YOUTUBE 📺 On July 1st, 2022, my son was attacked and pinned down by an “off duty” Chicago Police Officer—a Sergeant, to be exact. The allegation? Theft of his son’s bike—even though my son had his own orange bike with him. As a mom first, CEO second, who teaches clients […]

Succesfully balance being a Buisness owner + Mom | The Brand Vibe

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🎙️ APPLE | SPOTIFY | YOUTUBE 📺   “How Do You Do It All?” If I had a dollar for each time someone asked me that, I’d retire a happy camper. As a mom to 3 boys, Latina founder for my creative marketing agency (The Brand Vibe), CEO leading a mixed team of six (full-time, […]

2021 Year in Review | The Brand Vibe

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🎙️ APPLE | SPOTIFY | YOUTUBE 📺   The beauty of entrepreneurship is knowing that this is a marathon, not a sprint. It doesn’t matter if it’s one bad month or one incredible year. This is just a moment in time for you. Running a business isn’t easy—you’re here for the long run—but it IS […]

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But growing rapidly comes with its own set of challenges. Every day I think about how I would do things differently next time. Admittedly, I’m still learning and growing. But dang, wouldn’t it be nice if we gave ourselves grace through the construction process? You can’t build an empire overnight.